After the polls on Saturday, December 7, Joy News gathered that the MP, who has represented the constituency in Parliament since 2001, garnered 13,275 votes, while the National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate, Animli Dorgbadzi Dorani, secured 14,229 votes, giving him the nod as the new MP-elect for the constituency.
However, the defeat has not pleased the veteran politician, who has since Saturday called for a recount of the ballot papers.
Speaking to Joy News on Monday, December 9, while the nation awaits the Electoral Commission (EC) to declare the final presidential results, KT Hammond said,
No, I will not concedewhen Joy News’ Evans Mensah asked him if he was ready to concede defeat.
The MP based his refusal to concede on an alleged discrepancy in the colours of the pink sheets issued by EC officials at the end of the polls. He also claimed, “snatched ballot boxes, we don’t have some ballot boxes.”
Other NPP bigwigs who have lost their seats to the NDC include the Minister of Communications and Digitization, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful of the Ablekuma West constituency, and the Interior Minister, Henry Quartey of the Ayawaso Central constituency, both in the Greater Accra Region.
Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Hawa Koomson, Tourism Minister and MP for Sekondi, Andrew Egyapa Mercer and Deputy Works and Housing Minister Prince Hamid Armah have all lost their seats to the NDC.